Barbara offers a wide range of services that includes assessing, visioning, designing, and guiding organizations to meet their goals. Her expertise is that she sees the bigger picture and then makes it clear to all stakeholders. Let Barbara help you facilitate the design of customized, sustainable learning environments that engage and empower learners and educators to reach their fullest potential..
Questions, contact Barbara
You can follow Barbara on Twitter at @bbray27
Rethinking Learning Podcast Series:
Define Your Why
Check out the 135+ conversations and 18 reflections Barbara had with educators, thought leaders, influencers, and difference-makers who are passionate about their purpose and disrupting the status quo. Each of the podcasts has a complementary blog post with resources, links, videos, and more created with guests on the show.
Barbara can help you and your team address the bigger picture. She has the skills to facilitate teachers, administrators, and stakeholders to build strategic plans and coaching programs that will meet the needs of all learners. Let Barbara help you:
- create a coaching program for your school or district
- use design thinking to address challenges
- facilitate the design of learner-centered and learner-driven environments
- guide shared visioning sessions with staff and the school community
Barbara has been coaching educators on-site and online for over twenty years. With her experience and understanding of all learners especially adult learners and the learning process, she can help you:
- train and support your teacher leaders and coaches
- provide ongoing online support for coaches
- provide leadership coaching
- define your why for individual educators or anyone who wants to discover their WHY
Keynotes, Presentations, Webinars, and Playshops
Are you looking for a speaker who can inspire and build understanding? Have you hoped for a speaker who knows how to facilitate good questions that lead to good discussions? Some example topics:
- Define and Grow Your WHY
- The Future of Learning and Work
- Build a Toolkit So Learners Develop Agency
- Bring Curiosity, Joy, and Play to Learning
- Create a Prototype to Change Teaching Practice
- Make Project-Based Learning Personal
- Create a Culture of Learning
- Design Thinking to Create Learner-Centered Environments
- Use Social Media to Build Your PLN
- Personal Professional Learning and YOU!
- Going Global and Act Locally with the U.N. SDGs
- Universal Design for Learning and Your Why
- Preparing Each Student for College, Career, and Life
Barbara understands how to do research on new ideas in education and how teaching and learning are changing. With Barbara’s background as a writer, she can help you:
- facilitate the design of strategic plans.
- write your final strategic plan as one voice.
- contribute articles and columns on agency, creativity, and joy.
- write guest posts on other people’s or organizations’ blogs.
- assist with articles or chapters on the change in education.
The #rethink_learning Twitter Chat
Our hashtag is #rethink_learning
Join Barbara’s Twitter chat using #rethink_learning with co-hosts Shelly Vohra @raspberryberet3 and Kiki @Kyriakixt every other Monday at 4 pm PT, 5 pm MT, 6 pm CT, and 7 pm ET.
Recent archives of the chats on Wakelet
A few of the Podcasts/Webinars featuring Barbara:
- Big Think: What School Could Be with Kapono & Melanie: Define Your Why
- The Counter Narrative with Charles Williams: Interview
- Spark Joy in Education with Tisha & Elisabeth Define Your Why
- Getting Unstuck: #155/156: Are You Renting Someone Else’s Life Story?
- Out of the Trenches host Dana Goodler Episode #171
- Lemonade Learning Episode 30: Rethinking WHY on Purpose
- After Ed Host Jason Vest: Episode 7 with Barbara
- Pair-a-Dymes with Dave Truss Pair-a-Dimes 17 – Barbara
- EduMatch Tweet & Talk: EduMatch Tweet & Talk: Special Episode
- Education Today Host: Scott Nunes: Season 2 Episode 2 Grow Your Why
- Aspire to Lead Host Joshua Stamper Define Your Why:
- The Dr. Will Show: How to Claim Your Story and Live Your WHY
- Inspiring Teachers with Danny Hauger: Episode 57 about Caring Deeply
- Doug Johnston Inc. Learner Agency: Finding the WHY in the Age of Accountability
- Teacher Talk with James Rice: Interviewing Barbara
- The Dr. Joy Show Leading Change and Empowering Others!
- CUTV News featuring Barbara
- My Bad with Jon Harper: I Left My Compassion at the Door
- Pair-a-Dimes, Dave Truss Podcast Episode #17
- itslearning: Meeting ESSA with UDL and Personalized Learning
- Kids Deserve It Podcast #91 with Adam and Todd
- TLTalk Radio: How to Personalize Learning
- 10 Minute Teacher Episode 174 with Vicki Davis
- Personalized Learning with Matt & Courtenay Episode #17
- EdWeek: How to Personalize Learning
Webinars/Workshops/Online Presentations
CUE Conference 2023: Build Your Professional Learning Backpack to Empower Learner Agency
Aurora Institute Symposium Book Study 10/2022
Breakfast Social Hosted by Barbara & Ilene Winokur at ISTE22
Presentation Tips and Tricks: Green Screen Summit July 2022
Everyone Academy: Why Stories Build a Caring Classroom 6/2022
Redefine and Grow Your WHY workshop SXSWEDU 2022
Unlock the Middle: Barbara & Rita Wirtz #51 Navigating Leadership 1/2022
Deeper Learning Conference JCPS 2021 (Louisville, KY)
Brainstorm Virtual Conference April 2021: Belonging & Purpose
Mentor at SXSW EDU 2021
4 Generations 4 Education 2021 Presentation
HighScope Indonesia Workshops (3 days with Elementary, Middle, and High School Educators)
ICE – Redefining Your WHY during Uncertain Times- July, 2020
Bringing Curiosity, Joy, & Learning to Learning – ISTE 2020
ULearn 2020 – Reimagining Personalized Learning to Empower Learner Agency
West Springfield Public Schools Workshop: Define Your Why 2019
Virtual Keynote Monday, 10/14/19
Future Summit for Long Branch SD, NJ
CEduAD Panel Sat. 10/19/19
Define Your WHY through Stories
Teacher Success Summit 10/29/19
4 Ways to Define Your WHY
iNACOL Symposium 10/29/19
Prototype for Professional Practice
ISTE 2019 6/23-27/2019 Philadelphia
“Define Your Why: Develop Your Passion so You Live and Learning on Purpose”
“Learner Agency: Bringing Curiosity, Play, and Joy to Learning” with Kerry Gallagher and Mike Mohammad
Our Poster Session “The Power of Stories using Digital Tools: Learn Ideas, Strategies, and Tips” with 12 educators who have been on Barbara’s podcast, Conversations on Learning.
Featured Speaker 6/11-13/19 JCPS
Deeper Learning Conference Kentucky
Develop Your Passion – SXSW EDU 2019
EduCon 2019 Passion-Based Learning
How to Personalize Learning (Webinar: NEA • Judith Herb College • Corwin
ISTE 2018: Learner Profile, Backpack
CUE Conference, 3/14-3/17/18:
Build Your Toolkit So Learners Develop Agency and Become Future Ready.Session 7: Friday 12:30-1:30, and Book Signing, Palm Springs, CA
March 5-8, 2018
Future20 presentation on Passion and Purpose: What is your Why?
3/5, Austin, TX
5Sigma Conference, Kickoff Keynote on Learner Agency, Anastasis Academy, Centennial, CO
Access Webinar on Meeting ESSA Guidelines with UDL/Personalized Learning hosted by @EdWeek and sponsored by @itslearning
Archived at
EDUCON January 2018
Philadelphia, PA SLA Academy
Use Design Thinking with the UN SDGs
Also presented 20 slides in 5 minutes on Define Your Why
iNACOL Symposium
October 2017
Orlando, Florida
Preparing Each Student for College, Career, and Life
Barbara Bray and Rose Colby
ISTE17 – Design Thinking Process and Universal Design for Learning Planning Toolkit
San Antonio, TX
June 26, 2017
Barbara Bray and Jackie Gerstein

TLT Talk Radio
Mid-Atlantic Conference on Personalized Learning (MACPL)
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront in Baltimore, MD
February 27 – March 1, 2017
Make PBL Personal: Design Thinking and Technology
Presented by Barbara Bray and Lori Roe on February 28th
This session focused on how students can become self-directed, independent learners with project-based learning activities using design thinking and technology. Barbara and Lori shared examples and models of technology using a process in implementing PBL. Participants experienced the design thinking process as learners themselves. We hope they walked away with some ideas they can use in their classrooms. Barbara raffled off two signed books.
ECET2 Delaware Celebrating Innovative Educators
Hosted by Rodel Teacher Council at Del Tech Campus, Dover, DE Saturday, February 25th,
Barbara did the opening keynote on the “Future of Learning” and why it is important for our kids to have the skills they need for their future. She share why innovation and creativity is crucial for learners today.
Lori Roe, Instructional Technology Specialist, Cape Henlopen School District, DE co-presented a session with Barbara on “Design Thinking and Passion Projects.” Participants learned how to encourage more voice and choice for kids in project- and challenge- based learning. The Rodel Teacher Council had activities that encouraged people to get to know each other including ways to take fun selfies. Corwin donated 5 books, How to Personalize Learning for their raffle that Barbara signed.
The Science of How We Learn
Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, CA – February 17-19, 2017
Barbara Bray @bbray27 facilitated a pre-conference workshop, Developing Learners with Agency, on February 17th, 2017 from 8:30 am-11:30 pm PT
There were 75 participants in the Crowne Room on the 24th floor of the Fairmont Hotel with amazing views. Participants explored personalized learning with the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) lens so they could discover how learners learn best. They used the design thinking process with the information from UDL to redesign instructional methods and learning environments.
EduCon 2.9 – January 27th-29th, 2017
Science Leadership Academy, Philadelphia, PA
Making PBL Personal (Session 4)
Room 301, Sunday, January 29th, 10:30am-12pm ET
Barbara, @bbray27, facilitated conversations on project-based learning with attendees in groups sharing ideas how teachers can encourage voice and choice with each of the PBL elements. The protocols with the conversations used design thinking and going deeper with Yes-But, and Yes-And and then included What? So What? and Now What?
Barbara also did an Ignite session on Sat. Jan. 28th (20 slides in 5 minutes) on the Future of Learning.
TIES 2016 Ed Tech Conference Minneapolis Hyatt Regency, December 11 – 13, 2016
Barbara was a spotlight speaker presenting four sessions 12/12 & 12/13
- Be Learner-Centered with Mobile Learning
- Use Design Thinking to Redesign Learning Spaces
- PBL, Inquiry, and Design Thinking
- Build a Passion-Based Classroom & School
Barbara also signed several books in their book store. What a great conference with awesome educators even though it was very cold outside!
The National Education Association and edCommunities Free Webinar
Tues. October 18th, 2016 8pm ET, 5pm PT
Archive and Handouts here
YouTube Video of Interview
Hosted by Zack Baker and Pete Freeman

@edweekevents @itslearningUSA
A free online conference, Sept. 3rd!
How did you transform your passion into reality?
Barbara Bray guided activities to develop strategies for the 300 principals across WCPSS to move their schools to learner agency.
The Area Superintendents were the facilitators with about 25-30 principals each who went deeper with learner agency. The discussions brought about some wonderful conversations to help each school start designing next steps.
Fulton County Schools, GA
Coaching the Coaches
July 18, 2016
Barbara Bray trained and supported the coaches at Fulton County Schools in GA who became the Lead personalized learning coaches for the district. They reviewed research on coaching, mentoring, and facilitation strategies, role play situations that may be out of the teacher’s own comfort zone, and developed effective facilitation skills for face-to-face coaching and the online environment.
Storytelling can Change Teaching and Inspire Learning
(Ignite Session at ISTE 2016)
Barbara presented 20 slides in 5 minutes around storytelling as part of Round 1 of the Ignite Sessions. Barbara shared stories with great messages, how everyone is a storyteller, and how teachers can share and encourage stories that inspire learning.
Personalized Learning with #sdedchat
Tuesday, May 24th at 8pm CST
Verizon Mobile Learning Academy
Sponsored by ISTE & Verizon
April 26, 2016
Be Learner-Centered with Mobile Learning
Barbara shared how teachers can meet several of the ISTE Standards for Teachers and Students as they move toward learner-centered environments by reducing barriers in the curriculum and maximize learning.
The take aways for this webinar were an understanding of Universal Design for Learning, the Stages of Personalized Learning across the Continuums, and examples from educators about how they move to learner-centered with mobile learning aligned to ISTE standards. Barbara gave a book away to Ken Williams, teacher from Virginia who asked some great questions about personalizing learning.
Archive to recording
Melissa Emler (@MelissaEmler) interviewed Barbara Bray for her podcast show, On the Vendor Floor.
Check out her interview about Learner Agency
Learning Cultures Defined Conversations with Mariam Herrmann @mariam_herrmann
A Free Mini-Summit for Educational Leaders March 10, 2016
Building Learner Agency Through Relationships
An Interview with Barbara Bray (@bbray27)
Register at
TLTalk Radio
Session 2: Episode 5 on Personalized Learning
December 6, 2015 Interview: Barbara Bray
TLTalkRadio hosts Lynn Fuini-Hetten(@lfuinihetten) and Randy Ziegenfuss (@ziegeran) weekly as they share leadership stories and invited Barbara to answer questions about personalized learning including “In personalized learning, learners have a voice. How do we help teachers and learners to value that voice especially after being in a system that has not focused on learner agency?”
2015 Next Generation Schools Symposium
Next Generation Pre-Conference Workshop
Wed., March 18, 2015 (8 to 4) Stayer Center,
Marian University, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Make Learning Personal: The What, Who, and Why of Personalized Learning
Barbara Bray facilitated an interactive workshop where participants wove research, sto, ies and practical strategies together to create a deeper understanding of what it means to personalize learning.
Digital Educator Day
Los Angeles County Office of Education
Friday, February 27, 2015 – 10:45am and 1:00pm
Make Learning Personal:
The What & Why of Personalized Learning
Barbara Bray facilitated 2 sessions around research and strategies along with stories to create a deeper understand of what it means to personalize learning.
Barbara raffled off 2 books and did a book signing.