Define Your WHY: Chapter 12: WHY Be the Chief Storyteller of You and Your WHY?
In this chapter, you will learn why you are the best person to share your story and your WHY. Several people will share examples of writing and speaking about being positive, kind, and joyful as they spread their messages. There will be ideas on why your voice matters and how to be your own best advocate. We will discuss why change is difficult and how going out of your comfort zone is the only way for change to happen. When you know your WHY and live it, it is important for you to tell your story before someone else does.
- Episode #19 Podcast: A Passion for Storytelling and Equity with Ken Shelton @k_shelton
- Ken Shelton’s website and photography site
- Episode #2 Podcast: Passion Through Kindness with Tamara Letter @tamaraletter
- Tamara Letter’s website
- Planning for Passion by Tamara Letter
- Letter, T. (2019, February 14) A Passion for Kindness: Making the world a better place to lead, love, and learn. San Diego, CA: Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc.
- Darren Ellwein’s website
- Episode#23 Podcast on Inspiring Kids to Greatness with Darren Ellwein
- Ellwein, D & McCoy, D. (2019) The Revolution: It’s time to empower change in our schools. San Diego, CA: Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc.
Guiding Questions
- Why is it important for you to tell your story before someone else does?
- After reading Ken Shelton’s Speaking Your Truth, why did he question how he can succeed in a system that would plot his incarceration instead of his education?
- Why is speaking your truth the thing you should do?
- Refer to Tamara Letter’s story about when one discovers their life’s purpose. What if you decided to do random acts of kindness? What would you do first?
- Do you believe in something that is all you talk about?
- Darren Ellwein wrote the Revolution with Derek McCoy about sparking a revolution. Why do we need to learn how to empower kids to make decisions?
- Do you feel you are living in fear and finding excuses to move ahead? Have you ever asked WHY you are here and what is your purpose?
- Where are you in the Comfort Zone? Are you in the different zones with different things happening in your life?
- Why is it important for you to define your WHY? Why do you need to learn and live on purpose?
- Your stories make you who you are. You have stories to tell. If you don’t tell your stories, who will?
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