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We are Barbara Bray and Kathleen McClaskey, Co-Founders of Personalize Learning, LLC, who are researching Personalizing Learning to share what we learn with you. You can download the resources from this page for the updates to all of the resources. Please ask us permission to make copies or to post on your site: [email protected]
Use the link below download the Personalization vs Differentiation vs Individualization version 3 chart.
The Stages of Personalized Learning Environments just made sense to be the next information to create. Stage One is Teacher-centered. Stage Two is Teacher & Learner co-designing curriculum. Stage Three is Learner-centered. What does that mean? Version Five is free for you to download.
Our report explaining the chart on Personalization vs Differentiation vs Individualization v2. You can download version 2 for free.
We adapted the CBAM chart to help you transform learning to Personalized Learning. All of us have concerns about change and questions if we can make these changes. We took the seven stages and added descriptions based on how you will personalize learning and added strategies to guide this change.
Thank you for signing up so you can download our charts and resources on personalizing learning. Signing up to receive these resources subscribed you to our quarterly newsletter and popular Insights that comes out 8 times a year where we share the latest findings, resources, and journeys of Personalizing Learning.
Barbara and Kathleen