What works is the power of no power. Devices last 10+ hours without a charge. Portability and ease of use. 1:1 initiatives may cause a problem with the purchase of iPads, because of the investment in laptop labs. Apps are either free and are available and can be shared with 30 devices. Unfortunately the cost may be prohibitive: $699/device. Consider the low end iPad at $499. This is a great investment to get kids to read. One comment was about the cost of apps for the Droid are free where for iTouch and iPad most educational apps cost – wants to wait and see if the Droid will create an iPad device. China is already knocking off the iPad with Android. 2012 Negroponte is creating the X03 as an iPad knockoff for 1:1 global netbook for $100. Apple started a revolution with the bar set very high. It will be very interesting to watch what the next generations and knockoffs will be like in the next few months or so.
- Used to use iPhone to follow online course and now iPad is a larger iPhone. Keyboarding was a t first a challenge – now no problem.
- Ability to finally move into differentiated instruction
- Much better than a traditional textbook
- Multi-touch changes how school is done –
- Laptop is used for production mode: iPad is easier to read – do iPads motivate kids to learn to read? Step in the door to motivate students to read, to learn music, to learn a language.
- iPad launches quickly while waiting for a laptop to load.
- First generation device – along with knock-offs will be coming.
Questions or concerns with the iPad:
- How do students hand in work?
- Not able to edit in Google Docs, Google Sites, and Wikispaces.
- As a teacher how would you use the iPad in your classroom? Follow on twitter about educational apps Poundedapps. Examples of different apps teachers use:
- National Geographic
- Blogpress
- Dr. Zeuss’s ABC
- PBS apps
- Pocket Universe
- Me Muves
- NetGeo
- Instapaper – takes articles
- SimpleNote
- Animoto
- Dictation by Dragon
- Sonic Clicks
When you use iPads, use $2 silicon cover to protect from dropping. Don’t worry about fingerprints.